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6th Dec 2022

Implementation Support Mission for the Primary Health Care System Strengthening Project

An Implementation Support Mission for the Sri Lanka Primary Health Care System Strengthening Project (PSSP) took place from July 25 to 29, 2022. The objectives of the mission were to:
(i) review the progress of the ongoing activities under the PSSP and assess the possibility of achieving project development objectives by project closure in December 2023;
(ii) review achievements against all project indicators (both disbursements linked indicators and intermediate result framework indicators);
(iii) review the progress of project activities and innovation grants under the Component II;
(iv) review project design and implementation and assess the status of implementation and suggested relevant revisions and modifications of the country of the project’s components given the current macro-fiscal environment;
(v) review fiduciary arrangements: project audit, disbursements trends, financial reporting;
(vi) review status of implementation of project’s legal covenants and compliance;
(vii) report progress of the Emergency Expenditures under the Contingent Emergency Response Component (CERC) pool activities, and (iii) agree on the next steps for implementation.