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28th அக் 2023

An amount of 5.6 billion rupees has been set aside from the treasury to settle the essential payments for the supply of medicines.- Health Minister Dr. Ramesh Pathirana



The Minister of Health and Industry Vaidya said that an amount of 5.6 billion rupees has been set aside from the treasury to settle the essential payments for the supply of medicines, and to send a memorandum to the cabinet to get additional provisions for the supply of medicines for the next two months. Mr. Ramesh Pathirana stated.


The minister stated this while attending a special conference today (27) with the aim of identifying the problems existing in the hospitals and health institutes under the Ministry of Health, as well as in the basic hospitals and seeking quick solutions to them. The conference was held under the chairmanship of the Minister of Health and Industry, Dr. Ramesh Pathirana, at the National Blood Transfusion Center Auditorium, Narahenpita.


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